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Assisted Living Facility (Mental Illness) Database

The Assisted Living Facility (Mental Illness) Database has a total of 1,405 records.

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Base Data + Address     Phone     Fax

Assisted Living Facility (Mental Illness) Details

Phone Numbers: 1,967

Unique Phone Numbers: 1,707

Fax Numbers: 850

Unique Fax Numbers: 728

Data Fields

Base Data—contains these fields: NPI, Name, Authorized Official First Name, Authorized Official Last Name, Specialty, Sub Specialty, Sub Sub Specialty, Inbound Referral Total, Outbound Referral Total and any Federal Exclusions.
Physicical Address—contains these fields: Address 1, Address 2, City, County, State, Zip, Latitude, and Longitude.
Mailing Address—contains these fields: Address 1, Address 2, City, County, State, Zip, Latitude, and Longitude.
Phone —contains this field: Phone, Authorized Official Phone.
Fax—contains this field: Fax.

Background Information:

Assisted Living Facilites (Mental Illness)
Taxonomy Code3104A0625X

Classification: Assisted Living Facility


A facility providing supportive services to individuals who can function independently in most areas of activity, but need special guidance, assistance and/or monitoring as the result of a psychiatric problem. This type of facility requires a staff with special training in mental health training and dealing with psychiatric emergencies.