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Legal Medicine Specialist Database

The Legal Medicine Specialist Database has a total of 2,494 records.

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Base Data + Address     Phone     Fax

Legal Medicine Specialist Details

Phone Numbers: 2,494

Unique Phone Numbers: 2,160

Fax Numbers: 1,898

Unique Fax Numbers: 1,634

Data Fields

Base Data—contains these fields: NPI, Name, Authorized Official First Name, Authorized Official Last Name, Specialty, Sub Specialty, Sub Sub Specialty, Inbound Referral Total, Outbound Referral Total and any Federal Exclusions.
Physicical Address—contains these fields: Address 1, Address 2, City, County, State, Zip, Latitude, and Longitude.
Mailing Address—contains these fields: Address 1, Address 2, City, County, State, Zip, Latitude, and Longitude.
Phone —contains this field: Phone, Authorized Official Phone.
Fax—contains this field: Fax.

Background Information:

Legal Medicine Specialists
Taxonomy Code173000000X

Classification: Legal Medicine


The specialty areas of medicine concerned with matters of, and relations with, substantive law and legal institutions; such as the conduct of medical examinations at crime scenes, performance of autopsies, giving of expert medical testimony in judicial proceedings, medical treatment of inmates of penal institutions, the practice of trauma medicine in law enforcement settings, and other clinical practice and medical science applications in the fields of law, law enforcement, and corrections.