Medicare Resources - Directory of Medicare agencies & organizations (Links & Contacts)

NPI Dashboard is your most comprehensive directory of doctors and other health-care professionals in the USA. NPI Dashboard provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, affiliated hospitals and more, of Medicare-certified and other providers.

The directory of Doctors and other Health Care Professionals of the States and Territories was last updated 6/30/2024

Find the right agency to contact for commonly asked Medicare related questions. Select your state to find a local agency / organization.

You can always contact Medicare directly at...

1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)

  • Claims & billing
    • (For Railroad Retirement beneficiaries only) - Part B bills and services.
    • Bills for durable medical equipment and a list of approved suppliers of this equipment.
    • Home health, hospice care, and fraud.
    • Medicare Secondary Payer, and who pays first.
    • Part A and B bills and services, hospital care, skilled nursing care, and fraud.
    • Part A bills and services, hospital care, skilled nursing care, and fraud.
    • Part B bills and services.
    • Reporting fraud.
  • Complaints about my care or services
    • Complaints about quality of care, and filing an appeal or complaint.
    • Complaints about the quality of care in dialysis facilities.
    • Finding a voluntary list of patients' rights in a hospital.
    • Finding out if a doctor is board certified.
    • Finding out if an ambulatory surgical center is accredited or not.
    • Finding out if the lab where your blood tests are sent is accredited or not.
    • Finding out if urgent care centers and ambulatory surgical centers are accredited or not.
    • Finding out if your healthcare organization is accredited or not.
    • Home Health Care which is skilled nursing care and certain other healthcare services that you get in your home for the treatment of an illness or injury.
    • Local and community level projects to improve patient safety, reduce harm, and improve clinical care.
    • Obtaining information on nursing homes or resolving problems between nursing homes and residents or their families.
    • Report Medicaid fraud and abuse.
    • Requesting external reviews of Medicare managed care denials.
    • Submitting a complaint about discrimination.
    • Where to submit a complaint about the quality of care I received from my kidney dialysis facility.
    • Where to submit a complaint about the quality of life or quality of care inside a nursing home.
  • General health & health conditions
    • Discussing health concerns, medicines, and other issues important to older people.
    • Educational materials for people with kidney disease.
    • Financial assistance and educational materials for people with kidney disease.
    • Finding information on cancer.
    • Finding information on heart disease.
    • Information on cancer treatments, clinical trails, alternative medicine, coping with side effects, and other cancer related information.
    • Obtaining materials/forms for income tax filing and how Medicare Savings Accounts can affect my income taxes.
    • Ordering brochures on ""Choosing a Hospital, Choosing Treatments and Choosing a Hospital.
    • Support groups and educational materials for people with kidney disease.
  • Healthcare facilities & services in your area
    • Finding a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) closest to me to help me lower my healthcare costs. FQHCs include community health centers, tribal health clinics, migrant health services, and health centers for the homeless.
    • Finding necessary and convenient services that serve the elderly in their community.
    • Finding specific health support groups in your area.
    • Health insurance programs to children whose families earn too much to be eligible for Medicaid, but not enough to purchase private insurance.
    • To find a hospice program in my area.
    • (For Railroad Retirement beneficiaries only) - RRB benefits, lost RRB Medicare card, address change, and enrolling in Medicare.
    • Changing my address, Medicare Part A or Part B, lost Medicare card, and Social Security benefits.
    • General Medicare information, ordering Medicare booklets, and information about health plans.
    • Gives information about how to save money on prescriptions through pharmacies, insurance, community agencies, and assistance programs from drug manufacturers. Pharmacists also counsel patients about the right way to take medications.
    • Information on local seminars and health fairs on Medicare health plan choices, or to report a complaint directly to CMS.
    • Medigap Policies
    • Personalized health insurance counseling
  • Other insurance programs
    • Children's Health Insurance Program
    • Claims and other issues for retired federal employees and their dependents/survivors.
    • Finding out where my doctor should send the bills for the diagnosis and treatment of my black lung disease.
    • Health based programs and services.
    • Information and services about homes and communities for citizens and for HUD's current and potential home buyers.
    • Medicaid program
    • VA medical benefits.
    • Whether I qualify for military retiree healthcare benefits.