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Medicare Agencies and Organizations in MissourI
Claims & billing
Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center (BCRC)
Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center (BCRC)Questions regarding — Claims & billing
Medicare Secondary Payer, and who pays first. Toll free: (855) 798-2627
Blue Cross Blue Shield of KansasQuestions regarding — Claims & billing
Part B bills and services. Toll free: (800) 633-4227
Medicare Services of MissouriQuestions regarding — Claims & billing
Part B bills and services. Toll free: (800) 633-4227
Fiscal Intermediary
Novitas SolutionsQuestions regarding — Claims & billing
Part A bills and services, hospital care, skilled nursing care, and fraud. Toll free: (800) 633-4227
OIG (DHHS) -- Office of the Inspector General (Department of Health and Human Services)
Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Inspector GeneralQuestions regarding — Claims & billing
Reporting fraud. Toll free: (800) 447-8477
TDD: (800) 377-4950
Local Phone: (202) 619-1343
RHHI -- Regional Home Health Intermediary
Noridian Administrative ServicesQuestions regarding — Claims & billing
Home health, hospice care, and fraud. Toll free: (800) 633-4227
RRB Carrier - Railroad Retirement Board Carrier
NoridianQuestions regarding — Claims & billing
(For Railroad Retirement beneficiaries only) - Part B bills and services. Toll free: (888) 355-9165
Local Phone: (877) 288-7600
Complaints about my care or services
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health CareQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Finding out if urgent care centers and ambulatory surgical centers are accredited or not. Local Phone: (847) 853-6060
American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities
American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical FacilitiesQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Finding out if an ambulatory surgical center is accredited or not. Toll free: (888) 545-5222
Local Phone: (847) 775-1970
American Board of Medical Specialties
American Board of Medical SpecialtiesQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Finding out if a doctor is board certified. Toll free: (866) 275-2267
Local Phone: (312) 436-2600
American Hospital Association
American Hospital AssociationQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Finding a voluntary list of patients' rights in a hospital. Toll free: (800) 424-4301
Local Phone: (312) 422-3000
Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO)
KePROQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Complaints about quality of care, and filing an appeal or complaint. Toll free: (855) 408-8557
Local Phone: (813) 280-8256
Center for Health Dispute Resolution (CHDR)
MAXIMUS Center for Health Dispute Resolution (CHDR)Questions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Requesting external reviews of Medicare managed care denials. Local Phone: (585) 425-5210
College of American Pathologists
College of American PathologistsQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Finding out if the lab where your blood tests are sent is accredited or not. Toll free: (800) 323-4040
Local Phone: (847) 832-7000
ESRD -- End-Stage Renal Disease Networks
ESRD Network #12Questions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Where to submit a complaint about the quality of care I received from my kidney dialysis facility. Toll free: (800) 444-9965
Local Phone: (816) 880-9990
ESRD State Survey Agency
Bureau of Health Facility Regulation of MissouriQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Complaints about the quality of care in dialysis facilities. Toll free: (800) 735-2466
Local Phone: (573) 751-6303
Home Health Agency
Bureau of Home Care & Rehabilitative Standards within the Missouri Department of HealthQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Home Health Care which is skilled nursing care and certain other health care services that you get in your home for the treatment of an illness or injury. Local Phone: (573) 751-6336
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)Questions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Finding out if your health care organization is accredited or not. Local Phone: (630) 792-5800
Medicaid - Report Fraud
Department of Social ServicesQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Report Medicaid fraud and abuse. Toll free: (800) 286-3932
Local Phone: (573) 751-7192
Nursing Home State Survey Agency
Elder Abuse and Neglect Hotline of MissouriQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Where to submit a complaint about the quality of life or quality of care inside a nursing home. Toll free: (800) 392-0210
Local Phone: (573) 751-4842
Office for Civil Rights
Office for Civil Rights of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and NebraskaQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Submitting a complaint about discrimination. Local Phone: (816) 426-7276
Long Term Care Ombudsman of MissouriQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Obtaining information on nursing homes or resolving problems between nursing homes and residents or their families. Toll free: (800) 309-3282
Local Phone: (573) 526-0727
Quality Innovation Network Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO)
TMFQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Local and community level projects to improve patient safety, reduce harm, and improve clinical care. Toll free: (800) 725-9216
TDD: (877) 486-2048
Local Phone: (512) 329-6610
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
Missouri SMPQuestions regarding — Complaints about my care or services
Complaints about quality of care, and filing an appeal or complaint. Toll free: (888) 515-6565
General health & health conditions
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)Questions regarding — General health & health conditions
Ordering brochures on Choosing a Hospital. Choosing Treatments and Choosing a Hospital. Toll free: (800) 358-9295
TDD: (888) 586-6340
American Association of Kidney Patients
American Association of Kidney PatientsQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Educational materials for people with kidney disease. Toll free: (800) 749-2257
Local Phone: (813) 636-8100
American Cancer Society
American Cancer SocietyQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Finding information on cancer. Toll free: (800) 227-2345
TDD: (866) 228-4327
American Heart Association
American Heart AssociationQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Finding information on heart disease. Toll free: (800) 242-8721
Local Phone: (214) 570-2000
Spanish Phone: (800) 242-8721
American Kidney Fund
American Kidney FundQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Financial assistance and educational materials for people with kidney disease. Toll free: (800) 638-8299
Local Phone: (301) 881-3052
Spanish Phone: (866) 300-2900
Internal Revenue Service
Internal Revenue ServiceQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Obtaining materials/forms for income tax filing and how Medicare Savings Accounts can affect my income taxes. Toll free: (800) 829-1040
National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service
National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information ServiceQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Information on cancer treatments, clinical trails, alternative medicine, coping with side effects, and other cancer related information. Toll free: (800) 422-6237
National Institute on Aging Information Center
National Institute on Aging Information CenterQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Discussing health concerns, medicines, and other issues important to older people. Toll free: (800) 222-2225
TDD: (800) 222-4225
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases InformationQuestions regarding — General health & health conditions
Educational materials for people with kidney disease. Toll free: (800) 891-5390
Local Phone: (301) 654-4415
National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
National Kidney Foundation, Inc.Questions regarding — General health & health conditions
Support groups and educational materials for people with kidney disease. Toll free: (800) 622-9010
Local Phone: (212) 889-2210
Health care facilities & services in my area
American Self-Help Clearinghouse
American Self-Help ClearinghouseQuestions regarding — Health care facilities & services in my area
Finding specific health support groups in your area. Toll free: (800) 367-6274
Local Phone: (973) 989-1122
CHIP -- Children's Health Insurance Program
MO Health Net DivisionQuestions regarding — Health care facilities & services in my area
Health insurance programs to children whose families earn too much to be eligible for Medicaid, but not enough to purchase private insurance. Toll free: (888) 275-5908
Local Phone: (573) 751-3221
Eldercare Location
DC longterm care Ombudsman programQuestions regarding — Health care facilities & services in my area
Finding necessary and convenient services that serve the elderly in their community. Toll free: (800) 677-1116
Local Phone: (202) 434-2120
Primary Care Association
Coalition for Primary Health Care of Missouri - Primary Care Association of MissouriQuestions regarding — Health care facilities & services in my area
Finding a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) closest to me to help me lower my health care costs. FQHCs include community health centers, tribal health clinics, migrant health services, and health centers for the homeless. Local Phone: (573) 636-4222
State Hospice Organization
Hospice and Palliative Care Association of MissouriQuestions regarding — Health care facilities & services in my area
To find a hospice program in my area. Local Phone: (573) 634-5514
Help with my Medicare options & issues
1-800-MEDICAREQuestions regarding — Help with my Medicare options & issues
General Medicare information, ordering Medicare booklets, and information about health plans. Toll free: (800) 633-4227
CMS RO - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Regional Office
CMS, Kansas City Regional OfficeQuestions regarding — Help with my Medicare options & issues
Information on local seminars and health fairs on Medicare health plan choices, or to report a complaint directly to CMS. Local Phone: (816) 426-5233
RRB -- Railroad Retirement Board
Railroad Retirement BoardQuestions regarding — Help with my Medicare options & issues
(For Railroad Retirement beneficiaries only) - RRB benefits, lost RRB Medicare card, address change, and enrolling in Medicare. Toll free: (877) 772-5772
SHIP -- State Health Insurance Assistance Program
CLAIMQuestions regarding — Help with my Medicare options & issues
Personalized health insurance counseling Toll free: (800) 390-3330
Local Phone: (573) 817-8320
SSA -- Social Security Administration
Social Security AdministrationQuestions regarding — Help with my Medicare options & issues
Changing my address, Medicare Part A or Part B, lost Medicare card, and Social Security benefits. Toll free: (800) 772-1213
State Department of Insurance
Insurance Department of Missouri - Consumer Service DivisionQuestions regarding — Help with my Medicare options & issues
Medigap Policies Toll free: (800) 726-7390
Local Phone: (573) 751-2640
Other insurance programs
CHIP -- Insure Kids Now
Children's Health Insurance ProgramQuestions regarding — Other insurance programs
Children's Health Insurance Program Toll free: (877) 543-7669
Department of Defense
Department of DefenseQuestions regarding — Other insurance programs
Whether I qualify for military retiree health care benefits. Local Phone: (703) 571-3343
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans AffairsQuestions regarding — Other insurance programs
VA medical benefits. Toll free: (800) 827-1000
Federal Black Lung Program
Federal Black Lung ProgramQuestions regarding — Other insurance programs
Finding out where my doctor should send the bills for the diagnosis and treatment of my black lung disease. Toll free: (800) 638-7072
HUD -- U.S. Department of Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)Questions regarding — Other insurance programs
Information and services about homes and communities for citizens and for HUD's current and potential home buyers. Toll free: (800) 569-4287
Local Phone: (202) 708-1112
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Personnel ManagementQuestions regarding — Other insurance programs
Claims and other issues for retired federal employees and their dependents/survivors. Toll free: (888) 767-6738
TDD: (800) 878-5707
Local Phone: (202) 606-1800
State Health Departments
Missouri Department of Health & Senior ServicesQuestions regarding — Other insurance programs
Health based programs and services. Local Phone: (573) 751-6400
State Medical Assistance Office
Department of Social Services of Missouri - MO HealthNet DivisionQuestions regarding — Other insurance programs
Medicaid program Toll free: (800) 392-2161
Local Phone: (573) 751-3425
About Missouri
Missouri is a state in the Midwestern United States. With over six million residents, it is the 18th-most populous state of the Union. The largest urban areas are St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield and Columbia; the capital is Jefferson City. The state is the 21st-most extensive in area. Missouri is bordered by eight states (tied for the most with Tennessee): Iowa to the north, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee (via the Mississippi River) to the east, Arkansas to the south and Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska to the west. In the South are the Ozarks, a forested highland, providing timber, minerals and recreation. The Missouri River, after which the state is named, flows through the center of the state into the Mississippi River, which makes up Missouri's eastern border.
Missouri played a central role in the westward expansion of the United States, as memorialized by the Gateway Arch. The Pony Express, Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail and California Trail all began in Missouri. As a border state, Missouri's role in the American Civil War was complex and there were many conflicts within. After the war, both Greater St. Louis and the Kansas City metropolitan area became centers of industrialization and business. Today, the state is divided into 114 counties and the independent city of St. Louis.
Missouri's culture blends elements from the Midwestern and Southern United States. The musical styles of ragtime, Kansas City jazz and St. Louis blues developed in Missouri. The well-known Kansas City-style barbecue and lesser-known St. Louis-style barbecue, can be found across the state and beyond. Missouri is also a major center of beer brewing; Anheuser-Busch is the largest producer in the world. Missouri wine is produced in the Missouri Rhineland and Ozarks. Missouri's alcohol laws are among the most permissive in the United States. Outside of the state's major cities, popular tourist destinations include the Lake of the Ozarks, Table Rock Lake and Branson.
Source: Wikipedia