profile image
Primary Practice Address
FARGO, ND 58122-0001 US
PECOS Enrolled

Weimin Hao

Internal Medicine Physician

Weimin Hao


Weimin Hao is a Internal Medicine Physician in the FARGO area and has over 40 years of experience. Weimin Hao primary office location is at 737 BROADWAY and new patients are welcome to contact this healthcare provider for an appointment. We do not know where he was educated but we know that he graduated in 1984

Weimin Hao is affiliated with one hospital in the FARGO area, SANFORD MEDICAL CENTER FARGO. The NPI number is 1205853165 and the information was updated approximately 2 years ago.

Weimin Hao is affiliated with one medical group in the FARGO area, SANFORD MEDICAL CENTER FARGO.

We have not detected any Exclusions tied directly to this NPI.

Accepts Medicare Assignment: Unknown

Is sole proprietor: NO

Participates in PECOS: YES (See any PECOS details below)

Contact Information

Primary Practice Location Information
FARGO, ND 58122-0001 US
Phone: (701)-234-2731
Practice Mailing Information
FARGO, ND 58122-0001 US
Phone: (701)-234-2731
Fax: (701)-234-2158

Practice Location Addresses: 5

License Number State
7930 ND

No Identifiers found

PECOS Details:

Participates in PECOS: YES
PECOS Individual Enrollment ID: I20101109001175
PECOS Individual PAC ID: 3375738917
Eligible to order/refer Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging Yes
Eligible to order/refer Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Yes
Eligible to order/refer Home Health Agency (HHA) Yes
Eligible to order/refer Power Mobility Devices (PMD) Yes