profile image
Primary Practice Address
416 E 4TH AVE SUITE 100
TARENTUM, PA 15084-1853 US

Rametta & Associates L L C


Rametta & Associates L L C


Rametta & Associates L L C is a healthcare organization in the TARENTUM area. Rametta & Associates L L C primary office location is at 416 E 4TH AVE and new patients are welcome to contact this healthcare organization for an appointment. The NPI number is 1205857463 and the information was updated approximately 8 years ago.

We have not detected any Exclusions tied directly to this NPI.

Accepts Medicare Assignment: Unknown

Is sole proprietor: Unknown

Participates in PECOS: NO

Contact Information

Primary Practice Location Information
416 E 4TH AVE SUITE 100
TARENTUM, PA 15084-1853 US
Phone: (724)-224-6811
Practice Mailing Information
416 E 4TH AVE
TARENTUM, PA 15084-1853 US
Phone: (724)-224-6811
Fax: (724)-224-2316

No Licenses found
