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Primary Practice Address
2501 86TH ST
BROOKLYN, NY 11214-4414 US

Victor B Genkin

Occupational Therapist

Victor B Genkin


Victor B Genkin is a Occupational Therapist in the BROOKLYN area. Victor B Genkin primary office location is at 2501 86TH ST and new patients are welcome to contact this healthcare provider for an appointment. The NPI number is 1700090727 and the information was updated approximately 17 years ago.

Exclusion Alert

There is a Board Action or Exclusion recorded against this individual. The exclusions could be a Federal or State exclusions.

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Accepts Medicare Assignment: Unknown

Is sole proprietor: NO

Participates in PECOS: NO

Contact Information

Primary Practice Location Information
2501 86TH ST
BROOKLYN, NY 11214-4414 US
Phone: (718)-333-2500
Practice Mailing Information
2501 86TH ST
BROOKLYN, NY 11214-4414 US
Phone: (718)-333-2500
Fax: (718)-333-2835
License NumberState