Referral Destinations for Reasol Agustin Chino

The referral data shown here is for the referral destinations of the Medicare patients of Reasol Agustin Chino. This may not be all of the patients but in most cases is a valid indicator of the number of overall referrals made, especially compared to similar providers.

How does DR. REASOL A. CHINO, PHARMD compare to other Pharmacists nearby?

We can gain a quick overview by looking at this providers' inbound and outbound patient referrals and nearby Pharmacists. Any Pharmacists at the same geographic location are not included in this analysis.

The percentage ranking of the inbound and outbound patient referrals is based on the fifty nearest competitors, including this Pharmacists. The inbound patient referrals rank at the 67% mark. The outbound referrals are 71%.

How do DR. REASOL A. CHINO, PHARMD's referrals rank compared to those of the other Pharmacists?

The number of inbound referrals (474) is lower than the average number of inbound referrals (555) for providers like DR. REASOL A. CHINO, PHARMD.

Referral Destinations by Taxonomy

Below we are displaying the Referral Destinations of Reasol Agustin Chino categorized by taxonomy for the selected year. You can select the tab to view details for each year.

Please note that we are only displaying the top 10 referrals destinations.

The information in the treemap graph shows the number of appointments for patients for 2018 referred other providers and facilities by Reasol Agustin Chino, grouped by taxonomies . When you move your mouse over one of the taxonomies, it will provide you with additional information, including the patient count.

Below we are displaying the Referral Sources of Reasol Agustin Chino in a grid for 2018. You can sort the information by either taxonomy, appointment count or patient count. The default sort order is appointment count.