- Family Medicine Physician (26)
- Local Education Agency (15)
- Skilled Nursing Facility (15)
- Pharmacy (Community/Retail) (11)
- Community/Behavioral Health (10)
- Physical Therapist (9)
- Home Health Agency/Organization (7)
- General Dentist (6)
- Dentist (5)
- Dental Clinic/Center (5)
- Mental Health Counselor (4)
- Chiropractor (4)
- Optometrist (4)
- Specialist (4)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon (4)
- Physician (General Practice) (4)
- Mental Health Clinic/Center (4)
- Multi-Specialty Clinic/Center (4)
- Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies (4)
- Oxygen Equipment & Supplies Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies (4)
Directory of 267 Hospitals and other Health Care Facilities in Rison, Arkansas, USA
NPI Dashboard is your most comprehensive directory of doctors and other health-care professionals in Rison, Arkansas, USA. NPI Dashboard provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, affiliated hospitals and more, of 267 Medicare-certified and other providers.
The directory of Hospitals and other Health Care Facilities in Rison, Arkansas was last updated 6/30/2024
List of All Specialties in Rison
- Adolescent and Children Mental Health Clinic/Center (1)
- Advanced Practice Midwife (1)
- Ambulance (1)
- Ambulance (Air Transport) (1)
- Ambulance (Land Transport) (1)
- Ambulatory Surgical Center (1)
- Anesthesiologist (1)
- Anesthesiologist (Pain Medicine) (1)
- Assisted Living Facility (3)
- Cardiologist (2)
- Cardiovascular Specialist/Technologist (Sonography) (1)
- Case Management Agency (1)
- Chiropractor (4)
- Clinic/Center (3)
- Clinical Neuropsychologist (1)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist (Adult Psych/Mental Health) (1)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist (Pediatrics) (1)
- Clinical Pathologist (1)
- Clinical Psychologist (1)
- Clinical Social Worker (2)
- Community Based Hospice Care Agency (1)
- Community/Behavioral Health (10)
- Custodial Care Facility (Adult Care Home) (1)
- Day Training-Developmentally Disabled Services Agency (3)
- Dental Clinic/Center (5)
- Dentist (5)
- Dentist (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) (2)
- Dentist (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics) (2)
- Developmental Disabilities Clinic/Center (2)
- Developmental Therapist (1)
- Disease Pathologist (2)
- Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies (4)
- Emergency Medicine Physician (2)
- Emergency Medicine Physician (Non-hospital Emergency) (1)
- End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment Clinic/Center (2)
- Eyewear Supplier (1)
- Family Medicine Physician (26)
- Family Medicine Physician (Adult) (1)
- Family Medicine Physician (Geriatric) (2)
- Federally Qualified Health Clinic/Center (3)
- General Dentist (6)
- General Surgeon (1)
- Health Service Clinic/Center (1)
- Hearing and Speech Clinic/Center (2)
- Hearing Instrument Specialist (2)
- Home Health Agency/Organization (7)
- Home Health Aide (1)
- Hospital (2)
- Hospitalist (1)
- Medical Specialty Clinic/Center (3)
- Mental Health Clinic/Center (4)
- Mental Health Counselor (4)
- Multi-Specialty Clinic/Center (4)
- Neurological Surgery (3)
- Nurse Practitioner (1)
- Nurse Practitioner (Adult Health) (1)
- Nurse Practitioner (Family) (1)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist (2)
- Occupational Therapist (1)
- Occupational Therapist (Pediatrics) (1)
- Optometrist (4)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon (4)
- Otolaryngologist (2)
- Oxygen Equipment & Supplies Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies (4)
- Pain Clinic/Center (2)
- Pediatric Dentist (1)
- Pediatric Urologist (1)
- Pharmacy (2)
- Pharmacy (Community/Retail) (11)
- Pharmacy (Long Term Care) (1)
- Physical Therapist (9)
- Physical Therapy Clinic/Center (2)
- Physician (General Practice) (4)
- Physician (Preventive Medicine/Occupational-Environmental) (1)
- Physician (Rehabilitation) (1)
- Preferred Provider Organization (1)
- Professional Counselor (2)
- Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier (4)
- Psychiatric Hospital Unit (1)
- Radiologist (Diagnostic Radiology) (3)
- Radiologist (Radiation Oncology) (1)
- Radiology Clinic/Center (Mammography) (1)
- Registered Dietitian (1)
- Rehabilitation Clinic/Center (1)
- Rural Health Clinic/Center (2)
- VA Clinic/Center (1)