Medical Geneticist Physician
Taxonomy Code 207SG0205X

Classification: Medical Genetics

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A medical geneticist works in association with a medical specialist, is affiliated with a clinical genetics program and serves as a consultant to medical and dental specialists.


Source: American Board of Medical Specialties, 2007. [7/1/2007: definiton added, source added]

Additional Resources: American Board of Medical Genetics, 2007.

Board certification for Medical Doctors (MDs) is provided by the American Board of Medical Genetics.

Additional Taxonomy Codes from Medical Geneticist Physician

  • 207SC0300X Clinical Cytogeneticist
    A clinical cytogeneticist demonstrates competence in providing laboratory diagnostic and clinical interpretive services dealing with cellular components, particularly chromosomes, associated with heredity.
  • 207SG0201X Clinical Geneticist
    A clinical geneticist demonstrates competence in providing comprehensive diagnostic, management and counseling services for genetic disorders.
  • 207SG0202X Clinical Biochemical Geneticist
    A clinical biochemical geneticist demonstrates competence in performing and interpreting biochemical analyses relevant to the diagnosis and management of human genetic diseases and is a consultant regarding laboratory diagnosis of a broad range of inherited disorders.
  • 207SG0203X Clinical Molecular Geneticist
    A clinical molecular geneticist demonstrates competence in performing and interpreting molecular analyses relevant to the diagnosis and management of human genetic diseases and is a consultant regarding laboratory diagnosis of a broad range of inherited disorders.
  • 207SM0001X Molecular Genetic Pathologist
    A board certified subspecialty, the molecular genetic pathologist is expert in the principles, theory and technologies of molecular biology and molecular genetics. This expertise is used to make or confirm diagnoses of Mendelian genetic disorders, of human development, infectious diseases and malignancies and to assess the natural history of those disorders. A molecular genetic pathologist provides information about gene structure, function and alteration, and applies laboratory techniques for diagnosis, treatment and prognosis for individuals with related disorders.

Volume numbers are based on primary as well as secondary taxonomy codes of Providers.

Medical Geneticist Physicians Ratio per State

Green Color Indicates no Provider(s) recorded for that state

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The NPI Database was last updated on 1/9/2024 with 8,131,459 records.

Medical Geneticist Physicians per State