Physician (Legal Medicine)
Taxonomy Code 209800000X

Classification: Legal Medicine

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Legal Medicine is a special field of medicine that focuses on various aspects of medicine and law. Historically, the practice of legal medicine made contributions to medicine as a scientific instrument to solve criminal perplexities. Since World War II, the domain of legal medicine has broadened to include not only aspects of medical science to solve legal and criminal problems but aspects of law as it applies to medicine. Legal Medicine continues to grow as medicolegal issues like medical malpractice and liability, government regulation of health care, issues of tort reform, and moral and ethical complexities presented by technological advances become increasingly prominent. Many medical schools have implemented courses which supply medicolegal instruction for medical students, and many law schools now offer medicolegal courses. Also, dual degree programs in law and medicine have been created to assist physicians to bridge the gap between medicine and the law.


Source: American Board of Legal Medicine 08/1992. [7/1/2009: definition reformatted]

Additional Resources: Training Programs, and/or Fellowships, Preceptorships: Certification available through the American Board of Legal Medicine. ACGME Accredited Residency Program Requirements: None.

Additional Taxonomy Codes from Physician (Legal Medicine)

  • 173000000X Legal Medicine Specialist
    The specialty areas of medicine concerned with matters of, and relations with, substantive law and legal institutions; such as the conduct of medical examinations at crime scenes, performance of autopsies, giving of expert medical testimony in judicial proceedings, medical treatment of inmates of penal institutions, the practice of trauma medicine in law enforcement settings, and other clinical practice and medical science applications in the fields of law, law enforcement, and corrections.

Volume numbers are based on primary as well as secondary taxonomy codes of Providers.

Physicians (Legal Medicine) Ratio per State

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The NPI Database was last updated on 1/9/2024 with 8,131,459 records.

Physicians (Legal Medicine) per State