Taxonomy Code 242T00000X

Classification: Perfusionist

Quick Links : Map of Perfusionists per State | Number of Perfusionists per State


A perfusionist operates extracorporeal circulation and autotransfusion equipment during any medical situation where it is necessary to support or temporarily replace the patient's circulatory or respiratory function. The perfusionist is knowledgeable concerning the variety of equipment available to perform extracorporeal circulation functions and is responsible, in consultation with the physician, for selecting the appropriate equipment and techniques to be used.


Health Professions Career and Education Directory, American Medical Association [1/1/2007: new]

Volume numbers are based on primary as well as secondary taxonomy codes of Providers.

Perfusionists Ratio per State

Green Color Indicates no Provider(s) recorded for that state

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The NPI Database was last updated on 6/30/2024 with 8,412,030 records.

Perfusionists per State