Pathology Specialist/Technologist
Taxonomy Code 246Q00000X

Classification: Spec/Tech, Pathology

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(1) An individual educated and trained in clinical chemistry, microbiology or other biological sciences; and in gathering data on the blood, tissues, and fluids in the human body. Tests and procedures performed or supervised center on major areas of hematology, microbiology, immunohematology, immunology, clinical chemistry and urinalysis. Education and certification requires the equivalent of an associate degree and alternative combinations of accredited training and experience. (2) A specially trained individual who works under the direction of a pathologist, other physician, or scientist, and performs specialized chemical, microscopic, and bacteriological tests of human blood, tissue, and fluids. Also known as medical technologists, they perform and supervise tests and procedures in clinical chemistry, immunology, serology, bacteriology, hematology, parasitology, mycology, urinalysis, and blood banking. The work requires the correlation of test results with other data, interpretation of test findings, and exercise of independent judgment. The minimum educational requirement (for one of several certification programs in medical technology) is a baccalaureate degree with appropriate science course requirements, plus a twelve-month, structured, AMA approved medical technology program and an examination; or a baccalaureate degree with appropriate science course requirements and experience.

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Pathology Specialists/Technologists Ratio per State

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The NPI Database was last updated on 6/30/2024 with 8,412,030 records.

Pathology Specialists/Technologists per State