Military Hospital (Transportable)
Taxonomy Code 2865X1600X

Classification: Military Hospital

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A Department of Defense (DoD) health care organization furnishing inpatient care 24 hours per day in non-fixed or deployed facilities. Entity is not Defense Health Program funded. Services are primarily intended for DoD active duty though some services may be furnished for non-DoD active duty. Non-fixed facilities are generally deployed DoD health care activities, not providing services on or in association with a DoD fort or base. Non-fixed facilities include hospital ships.


[1/1/2005: title modified,
definition added]

Additional Taxonomy Codes from Military Hospitals

  • 286500000X Military Hospital
    A health care facility operated by the Department of Defense.
  • 2865C1500X Military Hospital (Community Health)
  • 2865M2000X Military Hospital (General)
    A Department of Defense (DoD) health care organization furnishing inpatient care 24 hours per day in fixed facilities, primarily for DoD beneficiaries. Entity is Defense Health Program (DHP) funded. A fixed facility is a non-temporary, non-deployed facility usually used for health care services. It includes mobile specialty units such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) units that may furnish services at the fixed facility. It includes those services and institutional costs usually included in a Diagnosis Related Group as well as pass-through items.

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Volume numbers are based on primary as well as secondary taxonomy codes of Organizations.

Military Hospitals (Transportable) Ratio per State

Green Color Indicates no Organization(s) recorded for that state

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The NPI Database was last updated on 1/9/2024 with 8,131,459 records.

Military Hospitals (Transportable) per State