Pricing Details

Number of ListingsBaseBase
+ Address
+ Phone
+ Fax
+ Address
+ Phone
+ Address
+ Fax
+ Phone
+ Fax
All Fields
Minimum total price (less than 1,000 records)$25$31$29$29$37.5$37.5$35.5$50
1,000 - 5,000 records (per record price)$0.025$0.031$0.029$0.029$0.0375$0.0375$0.0365$0.05
5,000 - 50,000 records (per record price)$0.015$0.021$0.019$0.019$0.0275$0.0275$0.0265$0.03
More than 50,000 records (per record price)$0.01$0.013$0.011$0.011$0.014$0.014$0.012$0.02

The following table lists all the data fields for Providers. Base data, address, phone, and fax can be purchased separately.

All FieldsBaseAddressPhoneFaxNote
NPI   National Provider Identifier
Name   Facility/Organization Name
Authorized Official First Name    
Authorized Official Last Name    
Specialty   E.g. doctor, dentist, therapist, nurse
Sub Specialty   E.g. radiologist, pediatric dentist
Sub Sub Specialty   E.g. diagnostic radiology, gynecologic oncology
Inbound Referral Total   Patient Referrals Received (Cumulative 2009-2017)
Outbound Referral Total   Patient Referrals Sent (Cumulative 2009-2017)
Medicare Exclusions   Any Federal Exclusions tied directly to providers' NPI
Physical Address 1   
Physical Address 2   
Physical City   
Physical County   
Physical State   
Physical Zip   
Physical Latitude   Precise to the zip code only
Physical Longitude   
Mailing Address 1    
Mailing Address 2    
Mailing City    
Mailing County    
Mailing State    
Mailing Zip    
Phone   In the format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
Authorized Official Phone   

The following table lists all the data fields for Facilities/Organizations. Base data, address, phone, and fax can be purchased separately.

All FieldsBaseAddressPhoneFaxNote
NPI   National Provider Identifier
Name   Facility/Organization Name
Authorized Official First Name    
Authorized Official Last Name    
Specialty   E.g. doctor, dentist, therapist, nurse
Sub Specialty   E.g. radiologist, pediatric dentist
Sub Sub Specialty   E.g. diagnostic radiology, gynecologic oncology
Inbound Referral Total   Patient Referrals Received (Cumulative 2009-2017)
Outbound Referral Total   Patient Referrals Sent (Cumulative 2009-2017)
Medicare Exclusions   Any Federal Exclusions tied directly to providers' NPI
Physical Address 1   
Physical Address 2   
Physical City   
Physical County   
Physical State   
Physical Zip   
Physical Latitude   Precise to the zip code only
Physical Longitude   
Mailing Address 1    
Mailing Address 2    
Mailing City    
Mailing County    
Mailing State    
Mailing Zip    
Phone   In the format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
Authorized Official Phone   