profile image
Primary Practice Address
1441 N 12TH ST
PHOENIX, AZ 85006-2837 US
PECOS Enrolled

Olivia Betty Aranda

Nurse Practitioner

Olivia Betty Aranda


Olivia Betty Aranda is a Nurse Practitioner in the PHOENIX area. Olivia Betty Aranda primary office location is at 1441 N 12TH ST and new patients are welcome to contact this healthcare provider for an appointment.

Olivia Betty Aranda is affiliated with one hospital in the PHOENIX area, BANNER - UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER PHOENIX. The NPI number is 1164151858 and the information was updated approximately 2 years ago.

Olivia Betty Aranda is affiliated with one medical group in the PHOENIX area, BANNER - UNIVERSITY SUPER SPECIALISTS LLC.

We have not detected any Exclusions tied directly to this NPI.

Accepts Medicare Assignment: Unknown

Is sole proprietor: NO

Participates in PECOS: YES (See any PECOS details below)

Contact Information

Primary Practice Location Information
1441 N 12TH ST
PHOENIX, AZ 85006-2837 US
Phone: (602)-521-5900
Practice Mailing Information
1441 N. 12ST
PHOENIX, AZ 85006-2837 US
Phone: (602)-521-5900

Practice Location Addresses: 1

License NumberState

No Identifiers found

PECOS Details:

Participates in PECOS: YES
PECOS Individual Enrollment ID: I20220817001693
PECOS Individual PAC ID:5698158046
Eligible to order/refer Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging Yes
Eligible to order/refer Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Yes
Eligible to order/refer Home Health Agency (HHA) Yes
Eligible to order/refer Power Mobility Devices (PMD) Yes