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Physical Therapist (Neurology) Database

The Physical Therapist (Neurology) Database has a total of 1,287 records.

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Physical Therapist (Neurology) Details

Phone Numbers: 1,691

Unique Phone Numbers: 1,448

Fax Numbers: 643

Unique Fax Numbers: 554

Data Fields

Base Data—contains these fields: NPI, Name, Authorized Official First Name, Authorized Official Last Name, Specialty, Sub Specialty, Sub Sub Specialty, Inbound Referral Total, Outbound Referral Total and any Federal Exclusions.
Physicical Address—contains these fields: Address 1, Address 2, City, County, State, Zip, Latitude, and Longitude.
Mailing Address—contains these fields: Address 1, Address 2, City, County, State, Zip, Latitude, and Longitude.
Phone —contains this field: Phone, Authorized Official Phone.
Fax—contains this field: Fax.

Background Information:

Physical Therapists (Neurology)
Taxonomy Code2251N0400X

Classification: Physical Therapist


A licensed physical therapist, including but not limited to an individual who is a Board Certified Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy, who has demonstrated specialized knowledge and skill in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, including knowledge of central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems in populations with and without neurologic conditions; motor control and movement sciences in populations with and without neurologic conditions; behavioral sciences, including psychology and neuropsychology, and psychiatry; and medical management and pharmacology.